Discretionary Projects Discretionary ProjectsAllDiscretionadmin2017-03-15T20:39:49+00:00 Permalink Gallery Donation of Wheelie Bins Donation of Wheelie BinsAll Districts, Discretionadmin2017-03-15T20:34:11+00:00 Permalink Gallery Donation of Wheel Chairs Donation of Wheel ChairsAll Districts, Discretionadmin2017-03-15T19:44:44+00:00 Permalink Gallery Mobile Science Labs Mobile Science LabsAll Districts, Discretionadmin2017-03-15T19:40:22+00:00 Permalink Gallery Wheelie Bins Wheelie BinsAll Districts, Discretionadmin2017-03-15T19:37:35+00:00 Permalink Gallery Wheel Chairs Wheel ChairsAll Districts, Discretionadmin2017-03-15T19:34:15+00:00 Permalink Gallery Hospital Linen Hospital LinenAll Districts, Discretionadmin2017-08-24T11:42:58+00:00 Permalink Gallery Donation of Books at Both our Hands Literacy Centre Donation of Books at Both our Hands Literacy CentreDiscretion, Kitweadmin2017-08-24T11:42:37+00:00 Permalink Gallery Handover of a photocopy machine to Kitwe Central Police Service Handover of a photocopy machine to Kitwe Central Police ServiceDiscretion, Kitwe